Welcome, Fall!

Butterfly on a Plastic Bucket. Image: My own

Fall is welcome after the heat of the summer.

How beautifully seasons change! Subtle, natural, beautiful… always going with the flow, ever-changing, but the change is never threatening to mankind. Rather, nature’s changes are soothing to us humans who are rather wary of change in other areas of our lives.

Last week, as I sat watching the dusty, dense greenery of summer on a hot afternoon, a lone red leaf fluttered into the patio. A welcome sign of Fall (or autumn) stirring to life. Fall is one of my favorite seasons—just right to balance out the heat of summer and get me ready for winter. The cool winds and soothing sun are perfect to potter around the yard, preparing it for the winter. No more sweating!

I especially look forward to long walks and hikes during Fall. The low humidity is ideal for any outdoor activity and I try to soak it all in before it gets too cold to go out. Some people may look at Fall with melancholy—a time when trees shed leaves and become bare. For me, this is an indication of how nature welcomes change and prepares to face winter before renewing itself again.

Welcome, Fall!

Comments (1)

  • Excellent post — gets me fired up for fall!!


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