Roll with the Wind

Image: My Own

When you have nothing to hold on to…

What do you do when something turns your life topsy-turvy and everything seems to go wrong? When you are blinded by a sandstorm in a hurricane? When you have nothing to hold on to and don’t know which direction to move in? When your heart is bursting with sorrow and any attempt to raise your voice comes out as a mere whisper?

Do you curl yourself up into a tight ball and try to stop the sand from getting into your eyes and nose and mouth? Do you resist the gale around you in an attempt to somehow struggle against it and still fail? Does this failure make you angry, sad, and bitter with the process of life?

If so, you are not alone. Every person goes through life struggles and a majority ‘fight’ against every curveball life lobs at them. They resist with all their might and fall down exhausted. However, there are a group of people who not only handle life’s curveballs, but emerge stronger and more joyful from every experience.

What’s their secret? Simple: when they realize they have nothing to hang on to, they don’t try to resist the storms of life. They don’t struggle against the gale. Instead, they let go and roll with the wind. They don’t resist life but are willing to ride the wind and allow it to take them where it will, knowing it will deposit them in a safe place.

The next time you are in a difficult situation, don’t resist the process of life. Trust it. Let go and allow yourself to be carried to a strange shore. When you trust the life process implicitly, it responds and deposits you in a place where you will be far more joyful. Learn to let go and roll with the storms of your life.

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