
River Scene. Image: My Own

What kind of ‘busy’ are you?

There is ‘busyness’ – frenetic activity that is done to show others how busy you are or what an important person you are. It makes you stressed and tired. There’s always a huge feeling of relief when you ‘leave it all behind’ and escape into the weekend. Some people work through the weekend too.

There is also another type of ‘busy’ – doing something one enjoys. There is no need to escape this and you always know when to take a break. You come back refreshed and happy to get started again. I was stuck in ‘busyness’ for years, doing stuff that did not bring me joy. These days, though, I’m one of the lucky ones on the other side – the good side of ‘busy’. I mostly do things that I enjoy. I’m far more healthier and the quality of my life has improved exponentially.

I also know when to take breaks and I do. This kind of busy does not mean working 24×7. Rather, it means focusing on the task at hand and when it is done, I can take a break away from it all. What about the money? I hear you. Most people are afraid they’ll never be able to make a living if they lose their current job. They would rather be miserable on a monthly salary in a toxic environment than taking a much-needed risk. They are afraid of change even though they are unhappy and manyare unhealthy too.

Money is universal. It is everywhere. It is not limited to one employer, a specific job or a specific organization. It is a big world out there. Go chase your dreams and do what you enjoy. When you do what you enjoy, you will do it with focus and involvement. The money will follow. Trust me. It will happen.

To get there, though, you need to take a leap of faith. Trust in yourself and the universe will trust in you and give you what you need.

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