Simple Lines

Diagram to illustrate a lecture (1855) by Christopher Dresser

One simple line at a time.

Christopher Dresser, whose motto was ‘Truth, Beauty and Power’ took great pride in transforming simple materials into stunning art. Even the bare lines he drew to illustrate a lecture, shared in this post, was a unique piece of art.

And so it is with life. If you live life collecting every pot of paint you can and slopping it on your canvas, you will spend more time cleaning the mess you’ve made rather than enjoying life. Before you blindly continue to throw paint at your canvas, pause, slow down and draw your life one simple line at a time. It does not matter if your drawing is not as colorful or as grand as someone else’s. What matters is that it is uniquely You and is a source of great joy for you.

When you enjoy drawing every line with care and purpose, life will open up many possibilities. Possibilities you were not even aware of when all you did was aimlessly throw paint at your canvas without joy.

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