Making Others Happy

Ancestral house in India. Image: My own

Are you working too hard to make others happy?

Most of us like to make others feel happy but is your life only about making others happy? Do you want to desperately please others? Do you ignore your own needs to feel accepted by everyone? Do you bend over backwards trying to please everyone, ignoring your own needs?

The issue with trying to make everyone happy is that it is an impossible mission and you will end up unhappy yourself. Your top priority is to understand what makes you happy. What are your needs? Are they being fulfilled? Why are you trying so hard to please others? Usually, it is because of some deep emotional vacuum within you. What is it? Don’t be afraid to look within, analyze yourself and find the root cause for this desperate need to please everyone.

Instead of trying to make others happy, ask yourself what makes you happy? Are you happy hanging around the people you meet every day? Do they express any interest in your life or your dreams? Do you really want to be where you are or should you get out of your comfort zone and move on?

Once you get the answers to those questions, you will focus on what makes you happy and fulfilled. Soon, you will come across happy, fulfilled people like you. These kindred souls will not expect you to make them happy because they have found fulfillment in their own way. They enjoy you for what you are, without expecting anything in return.

Prioritize yourself and your happiness from today. Unless you are happy and centered, you cannot make anyone else happy. Unless your needs are answered, you cannot answer the needs of others. Focus on finding the happiness within you and life will fall into place.

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