The Garden of Your Life

Apple blossoms. Image: My own

Don’t allow your life’s garden to wilt.

Sometimes, you will meet people who trample through the flowers that have bloomed in your life. They will stamp out flowers that sprung up spontaneously and stamp out some flowers you have loved growing. They will make you unhappy, but don’t wilt away and ignore your garden. Always remember that you will meet many others who are different; people who don’t want to trample, but help your garden thrive.

Some will tread carefully through your garden, some will enjoy the flowers you have nurtured and some will stay with you to tend to the flowers in your life. Some will try to tell you what flowers you need to grow. Others, however, will help you create an even better garden for yourself. Don’t allow the tramplers to destroy your life’s garden. If they destroy a few flowers in your life, keep in mind that you have an entire garden of other flowers left.

You can always plant more seeds and grow flowers that give you the most joy. You can grow better, bigger, and even more beautiful flowers with the help of many others who will garden with you. This is your garden and only yours. Go ahead and create the one you’ve always wanted to,

Comments (1)

  • What a wonderful metaphor! Clear, insightful, and inspiring, too.


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