Are you spending your life searching?
We spend a lot of time searching or seeking something in life. It could be a purpose or meaning or goal or… anything. That Something, we feel, will be the answer to all our woes. The key to a perfect life.
You are so focused on that Thing that you fail to pay attention to whether you actually need it or what the journey has to offer. Life is spent in wishing, desiring or searching for something that will make life perfect. Or at least as you define perfection.
Many times, you are not even sure what you are looking for. You look around and seek something based on what others think they are looking for, not what you need. And before you know it, you are looking back on your life wondering ‘where all the time went.’
There is no fun seeking or searching without knowing what you need to look for or reaching the finish line without finding it. Maybe it is time to remove yourself from the overcrowded, noisy highway that you are pushing your way through. Maybe it is time to take a break, and consider what you need to make yourself fulfilled. This can mean a change of direction, away from the seething crowds.
“It’s ok to color outside the lines.” – Jimi Hendrix
Crowds are not great places to learn more about yourself or what you are searching for. Using social proof to make life decisions does not serve you well. What works for another person need not work for you. Moving away from the cacophony, even a little bit, can provide fresh perspectives on how you would like the rest of your life to unfold. Start to think for yourself and your needs. What are you looking for?
“Think for yourself, or others will think for you without thinking of you.” – Henry David Thoreau
This is not an easy process, but like many rewarding and meaningful experiences, taking the first step is key. In the process, you might get lost but you will always find your way back. You will also wander to far more interesting places and enjoy life more than you ever imagined you would. You will learn to enjoy the journey better without always feeling like you need to chase something.
It is also your first step to looking inward—not outward— for inspiration and fresh perspectives; to reassess what you need before you start planning your journey of discovery. And the first step to finding yourself before you reach the finish line.
“Dare to think for yourself.” – Voltaire