Why Me?

‘Why Me?’ Cartoon: My Own

When to ask ‘Why me?’

Why me? Most of us have asked this question when life punches us in the face. It washes over us in great waves when we feel sad or disappointed.

When you keep asking Why me? all the time, it soon morphs into Why is it always me? You delude yourself into believing that everyone else is living the perfect life, somehow immune to the natural highs and lows that every human is subject to. The world reflects how you feel – dull, boring and devoid of meaning. After tremendous waste of time and emotional energy, you are still where you were, holding a bunch of regrets and nothing else.

“The pain of inaction stings longer than the pain of incorrect action.” – James Clear

On the other hand, if you know yourself well, you sit tight during these lows and observe your emotions. The more you observe them, the better you navigate them. A dear one’s loss, for instance, may be difficult to handle. Instead of trying to manage your grief alone, you reach out to trusted friends and ask for emotional support while you grieve. If the loss is more superficial and does not mean much when you consider the larger picture, you shrug and move on. You recognize that you want to experience life without allowing these glitches to dull your shine.

There are, however, times when you need to ask Why me? constantly. Have you ever asked Why me? when good fortune comes your way? Why have I been given all this bounty? Why me? Why have I been given amazing friends, good things to eat, great clothes… Why me? Why have I been blessed with good health? Why me? Why have I been given the opportunity to travel and experience so many countries? Why me? Why do I have such a comfortable house when millions are living in poverty? Why me? Why have I been blessed with so much? Why me?

When you continue to question the good things you’ve been given, you will stop viewing life as some sort of competition that you must win at any cost. Instead of chugging through life like an immortal, you will realize that it is limited and that you can change it if you decide to. You will never wait for life to arrange itself perfectly so that you can make your perfect move. You make your move anyway and get living the way you want to instead of waiting for others to make things happen for you.

If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” – Jim Rohn

The next time you hit a low, ask Why not me? Ask it many times. Countless people before us have gone through similar or worse situations. They also coped, lived and passed. How did they do it? Take their lessons and understand that this situation, like everything else, will pass.

The next time you are in a situation that irks you, ask Why not me? Then study your situation, accept and address all your fears, and prepare for a better life. Have faith in yourself and be true to yourself. Then grab whatever life throws at you and use it to create the life you want. Life smiles at those who fear less and take a leap of faith. You will soon be counting your blessings and asking Why am I so blessed? How did I get so lucky? Why me?

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