How can you create a life rich with possibility?
Many of us believe that life is safe and secure because we have it all planned. We believe that life will unfold exactly the way we want it to. We desperately clutch this illusion of security at any cost and go to pieces when it shatters. Relationships, family issues, death, finances, friendships, tragedies – anything can happen; anything can go wrong. Life is inherently risky.
The pandemic has taught us that what we consider as safety and security – the families we build, the walls we erect, the things we hoard, the money we bank, and the lands we own – do not fully shield us from an invisible organism that has the power to kill us. Life is inherently risky.
Still, we choose to believe that we can insulate ourselves against risk. We restrict ourselves to artificial settings that alienate us from nature and the environment that we are a part of. We find it easier to immerse ourselves in screens rather than attempt to build deeper connections with others. We value money over rich inner lives. We choose to ignore or miss experiences that add meaning and flavor to our lives.
Why are we terrified of risk? Perhaps because we are afraid to confront our fear of the unknown. We fear change or even a hint of chaos. We want life to be unchanging. Staying in our comfort zone and clutching the illusion of control, even if it feels awful and stagnant, seems preferable to exploring what lies outside. We go round in circles in our little zones, trying to force life into the shape we desire. This rarely works because the very nature of life is change. Unsurprisingly, life seems more like a battle and less like an enriching experience to many. Slaying your fears and embracing risk is the only way to live a purposeful life.
For reasons unknown, risk is associated with recklessness or the absence of planning. While we cannot prevent the unpredictable from happening, we can equip ourselves to handle it better. This involves accepting the uncertain nature of life and having the foresight to plan. For instance, moderate exercise and eating well ensure reasonably good health. Building a support network helps you through emotionally trying times. Wise investments provide another source of income and the freedom to live life on your terms.
How do ‘good risks’ feel? There is blinding clarity because you know that you are making the right decision. You do not feel the need to ‘agonize’ over it. There is no confusion, self-doubt or fear. It feels natural and positive, like something you can do with ease. You feel strong. Above all, there are never ‘what if’ questions or regrets as you get older.
You action your decision by moving forward into new experiences willingly. Every experience becomes an adventure. You learn by doing. You experiment more as you fear less. You learn by trial and error, understanding that this is an essential part of growing and learning. If you repeat a mistake, you work on getting it right without feeling judged. You focus on maximizing the present moment because giving your best now helps create better future moments.
Risk expands your horizons. Risk is necessary to live a meaningful life. Risk is growth. Risk opens up a life rich with possibilities.
Leap and the net will appear. – Zen saying